Among the advantages that the export activity offers to companies,
a) increase in productivity - export implies an increase in the scale of production,
that can be obtained by using the company's idle capacity and / or
for the improvement of its productive processes. The company may,
thus lowering the cost of their products, making them more competitive,
and increase your profit margin;
b) reduction of the tax burden - the company can compensate for the
of internal taxes, via export:
I. the exported products are not subject to VAT
Industrialized Products (IPI);
II. Tax on the Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS)
focuses on the export of industrialized products,
semi-processed products, primary products or service provision;
III. in determining the basis for calculating the Contribution for Financing
Social Security (COFINS), the proceeds from
IV. export earnings are also exempt from the
for the Social Integration Program (PIS) and for the
V. Program for the Formation of the Patrimony of the Public Servant (Pasep); and
SAW. the Tax on Financial Transactions (IOF) applied to the operations of
exchange linked to the export of goods and services has a zero rate.
c) reduction of dependence on domestic sales - the diversification of markets
(internal and external) provides the company with greater security against
oscillations of domestic demand levels;
(d) enhancement of innovative capacity - exporting companies tend to
more innovative than non-exporters, usually
number of new manufacturing processes, adopt quality programs
and develop new products more frequently;
(e) improvement of the conditions for obtaining financial resources -
financial instruments in Brazil, such as the Advance on Exchange Contracts (ACC)
and the Export Exchange Advancement (ACE), make it possible to
the receipt of export revenue before
of the beginning of the productive process, using international interest rates
normally lower than those applied in the internal market. About
see chapter 14 of this manual;
f) human resources development - the companies that export
in the area of human resources, since they usually offer better salaries
and training opportunities for its employees;
(g) improvement of industrial and commercial processes - improvement in
the quality of the product and the presentation of the product, the
and the adoption of new managerial processes, for
company better conditions of internal and external competition;
h) improvement of the company's image - the character of "exporting company" is
an important reference in company contacts in Brazil and abroad, since
the image of the company is associated with that of external markets, usually more
demanding, with positive repercussions for its customers and suppliers.
In summary, the export is of great relevance to the company because it is
the most effective way to secure your own future in an environment
ever more competitive, which requires Brazilian
capacity to face foreign competition, both in the country and in the
For Brazil, export activity is also of strategic importance because
contributes to the generation of income and employment, to the entry of the foreign exchange necessary
the balance of external accounts and the promotion of sustainable
2.1. The internationalization of the company
The internationalization of the company consists of its active participation in the
markets. With the elimination of the barriers they protected in the past,
the national industry, internationalization is the natural way for
Brazilian companies remain competitive. If Brazilian companies
exclusively to produce for the internal market,
foreign companies within the country. As a result,
to maintain their participation in the internal market, should be modernized and
become competitive on an international scale. The export activity,
however, it is not without difficulties, even because the external market
is formed by countries with very diverse languages, habits, cultures and laws,
difficulties that should be considered by the companies that are preparing
to export.
Companies can participate actively and actively in the international
permanent or otherwise. In general, success and good performance in
export activity are obtained by the companies that were included in the activity
as a result of strategic planning
external markets.
Strategic planning involves issues such as weaknesses and strengths,
threats and opportunities, items that must be previously analyzed. The selection
of the markets in which the company will operate should also be based on
research and priority markets.
Market research is the right way for the company to start
success in the international market. Export is based on tripod: search
- commercial promotion (trade fairs and trade missions) - persistence allied to vision
long term.
2.2. Stages of internationalization of the company
Undertakings can be classified according to the following categories, which
steps to be taken to become exporters
(a) not concerned - even if
interest from established clients abroad, the company prefers to
sold exclusively on the domestic market;
b) partially interested - the company responds to requests received from customers
abroad, but does not establish consistent export plan;
c) experimental exporter - the company sells only to neighboring countries, since
considers them to be an extension of the internal market because of the
similarity of consumer habits and preferences, as well as
of the technical standards adopted;
d) active exporter - the company modifies and adapts its products to meet
to overseas markets. The export activity becomes part of the
strategy, plans and budget.
2.3. Important Considerations
Brazilian companies interested in becoming active exporters
must have, among others, the following care:
a) for the conquest of the international market, companies should not consider
export as a sporadic activity, linked to market fluctuations.
internal. A portion of its production must be systematically allocated to the
external market;
(b) the exporting undertaking must be able to
regular demands of its clients abroad;
c) international competition is derived, among other factors, from the existence of
more than exporters. In the world, others
potential suppliers will seek to conquer the markets already occupied by
Brazilian companies;
(d) Brazilian exporters should be able to make full use of existing
and financial resources made available to it by the Government in order to increase
the degree of competitiveness of its products; and
(e) all communications received from external importers shall be
even if, at any point in time, the exporter has not
interest or conditions of meeting the requests received. Good dialogue
with both actual and potential importers, prepares the field for
future sales.